In the previous tutorial,learning how to write a 3D soft engine in C#, TS or JS – loading meshes exported from Blender, we’ve loaded a JSON file where our meshes were serialized from Blender. Up to now, our render function was drawing the meshes with only a simple wireframe rendering. We’re now going to see how to fill the triangles using a rasterization algorithm. Then, we’ll see how to handle a Z-Buffer to avoid having faces living in the back being drawn on top on front faces.


This tutorial is part of the following series:

1 – Writing the core logic for camera, mesh & device object
2 – Drawing lines and triangles to obtain a wireframe rendering
3 – Loading meshes exported from Blender in a JSON format
4 – Filling the triangle with rasterization and using a Z-Buffer
4b – Bonus: using tips & parallelism to boost the performance
5 – Handling light with Flat Shading & Gouraud Shading
6 – Applying textures, back-face culling and WebGL

In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw lines, what a face is and how cool is the Bresenham algorithm to draw some triangles. Read the rest of this entry »