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Inspiration for Elastic Components with SVG Animations

Posted · Category: Inspiration, License Free

Codrops has shared some inspiration for adding elasticity to SVG elements. The idea is to integrate an SVG element into a component and then animate it from one path to another with an elastic animation. Using SVGs like this can make things like menus, buttons or other elements more interesting and make the interaction look more organic with a natural feel to it.

It’s of course important to keep things subtle and not exaggerate the bounciness. The nice thing is that we can give a more “realistic” interaction feedback to the user. Especially touch feedback can benefit from using this kind of effect. Based on this idea, they’ve created some inspirational examples of contexts where a morphing shape animation enhancement could make sense.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://tympanus.net/Development/ElasticSVGElements/
License: License Free

Muzli – The Ultimate Designer’s Toolbox for Chrome

Posted · Category: Inspiration, License Free

Muzli is the ultimate designer’s toolbox. Bringing you the freshest design, UI, UX and interactive news and shots from around the web. All the design inspiration you need. You can enjoy the most inspiring stuff out there. Never miss the next big thing. Muzli will replace your default tab, it will become your home page, so you don’t miss anything.


Requirements: Chrome Browser
Demo: http://muz.li/
License: License Free

Modern and Subtle Tab Styles for Your Inspiration

Posted · Category: Inspiration, License Free

Codrops has shared a couple of modern and subtle tab styles and effects for your inspiration. They use pseudo-elements, SVGs and CSS transitions for some of the techniques.

This Tab Styles Inspiration collection contains some styles and effects for modern tabs; from a simple box to a SVG shape. Depending on your design, different tab layouts and looks can spice up your sections; think outside of the box and you’ll see how interesting the usually boring tabs can become.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://tympanus.net/Development/TabStylesInspiration/
License: License Free

Showcase of Innovative, Beautiful Dashboard Designs

Posted · Category: Inspiration

Dashboard design is a tricky business. It’s difficult to get right, but I think many of these examples have lots of good things going for them.

The Design Inspiration has brought together a showcase of innovative, stunningly beautiful dashboard concepts & designs to help inspire you. If you’re about to start a project that deals with data visualization, hopefully this collection will give you some inspiration into how you can show your information in a useful, simple and uncluttered way.


Source: 25 Innovative Dashboard Concepts and Designs

Top 100 Creative Business Cards for Your Inspirations

Posted · Category: Inspiration

No matter which business you are in, business card will play a important role especially when having business communications with potential clients. There’s crazy amount of competition on the internet, and it is not easy to make your business stand apart from the competition. Everyone is trying innovative ways of attracting and retaining the attention of the customers.

The Design Inspiration has featured the Top 100 Creative Business Cards of All Time for our inspirations. Some business cards feature simple, beautiful typography whilst others more are fun and colourful.


Source: Top 100 Creative Business Cards of All Time

20 Awesome Mobile User Interface Animations

Posted · Category: Inspiration

Storyboards and static screenshots don’t show any dynamism, whereas wireframes are visually plain and boring. Showcasing mobile app concept with how a screen or a particular function works in the app via gif animation is one of the lovely presentation skills of app developer and designer.

The Design Inspiration has shared an article: 20 Incredible Mobile UI Animations in GIFs, highlighting 20 Incredible Mobile UI Animations in GIFs that not only make things pretty but give a nice flowing experience to the end user.


User Interface & Interactive Design Animations Library

Posted · Category: Inspiration

Josh Davey is a UX & VD at Neoteny Design, a Morning Person / Organizer at Sydney CreativeMonrnings and the creator of Use Your Interface, which is a growing library of transitional interface and interaction design patterns to help you inspire and communicate your UI ideas with people. This site is managed and populated with new interactions daily.


Source: http://useyourinterface.com/

Discover the Most Creative Advertising Campaigns

Posted · Category: Inspiration

Advertising refers wide announcement. It is used to stimulate or even create demand or perception to some certain products, services or ideas. Most consumers have already evaded ads, and even employed technical means to pick them out. Thus advertising makers are obliged to look for newest originality and to achieve best ads. Good advertising is for real consumer.

Creative Ad Awards is one of the best advertising archive, serving all the advertising fan and others who need it. They are keeping to providing you with the world’s most creative and sophisticated ads. All the collected ads follow the concept of SIMPLE (Simple, Involving, Memorable, Purchase Intention, Linkage with brand, Enjoyable), so that they will, absolutely, intoxicate rather than revolt you.


Source: http://www.creativeadawards.com/

Design & Visual Culture for the Web Generation

Posted · Category: Inspiration

Every designer needs inspiration once in a while, however finding inspiration is not always as simple as it sounds. The web is a wonderful thing, literally brimming with resources for people interested in the art and design. But, sometimes, too much choice can be confusing. We need the best one instead.

I would like to introduce to you a brand new site called DesignFaves.com, which shows some of the best design and visual culture around the world. The inspiring articles includes art, design, architecture, furniture, fashion and etc.

Creativity will never be an exact science. Sometimes the juices flow, but other times it’s easy to feel all dried up. Here are some of the best posts and exclusive articles marry the very best modern expressions and innovations from the Branding, Art and Graphic Design worlds.


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A Great Source of Design Inspiration

Posted · Category: Inspiration, License Free

Is a design task turning into a Herculean one for you? If that is the case, then you will love The Design Inspiration. It is an online resource by designers for designers, and it gathers together logos, illustrations and patterns that act as a showcase of talent and as a source of inspiration.

You can also see how many times each design has been visualized, and arrive at some sort of conclusion as regards which ones are the most popular right now. TDI stands as a true inspirational resource. If your muse has taken a week off, you can always count on it to do the job. And they do make sure that you are getting the freshest and best quality design inspirations daily.


Source: http://thedesigninspiration.com/

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