Here is the final tutorial of this long series. We’re going to see how to apply a texture to a mesh by using mapping coordinates exported from Blender. If you’ve managed to understand the previous tutorials, it will just be some piece of cake to apply some textures. The main concept is once again to interpolate some data between each vertex. In the second part of this tutorial, we’ll see how to boost the performance of our rendering algorithm. For that, we’re going to only display visible faces by using a back-face culling approach. But to go even further, we will use our last secret weapon: the GPU.

You will then understand why OpenGL/WebGL and DirectX technologies are so important to make realtime 3D games. They help to use the GPU instead of the CPU to render our 3D objects. To really see the differences, we will load the exact same JSON file inside a WebGL 3D engine named Babylon.JS. The rendering will be far better and the FPS will be without any comparison, especially on low-end devices!

At the end of this tutorial, you will have this final rendering inside our CPU-based 3D software engine:

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